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Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: John cima
You guys are ridiculous.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: John cima
His eyes look both ways at the same time. aaah ha ha ha ha ha ha

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: John cima
Ol blackeye john lick the weenie?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: John cima
Yeah i heard bout that, 'ol black-eyed john.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: John cima
I hear he sucked a dick.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Garden Guardians
NYC, NY Crime Boss Donald J. Trump The former president was indicted on four counts in Washington D.C. for allegedly working to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol. 18 U.S. Code § 2383 Rebellion or insurrection | U.S. Code... Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the Uniited States. And shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Garden Guardians
Is this a jarfly thing or a three sisters thing?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » 111/under ground
I don’t know, you tell me.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » 198 cloud subdivision London ky 40742
Estate is awaiting probate. Heirs of Woodrow j. Asher

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Want to record something with a kid wearing pajamas to get the FED'S after you?
That's super funny because roosters are usually fitted with knives on their feet. And the roosters have stabbed their trainer or owners in the groan area, they have even cut their owners dicks off.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Want to record something with a kid wearing pajamas to get the FED'S after you?
If it was illegal to film girls In pajamas there's several advertising agencies that's going to be in trouble, for the last 50 years they've been doing it. They even have teens in panties!! SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!! stop ALL pajama commercials NOW!!! Gotta go, gonna do a photo shoot with my mom.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Want to record something with a kid wearing pajamas to get the FED'S after you?
Also awhile a back ago before the Nibroc was stopped due to Covid. Two guys kidnapped girl they raised her for days before the NIBROC, the FBI looked for kidnapped girl. The two guys had a Death wish they were animal right lovers, when the FBI caught them and saved the girl they found PIPE BOMBS they were planning on dying putting bombs somewhere Pence visited after that happened. Laurel county faked a story before Chicken Festival that year about 1 guy and he had an adult hooker with bomb pre-courser material plus meth His charges were probably reduced later or dropped The other story about Corbin wasn't told because Corbin probably had a certain elected officials showing up or thinking about showing up

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Want to record something with a kid wearing pajamas to get the FED'S after you?
Some think investigating groups are blackmailing courts..and if they charge farmers they might auction of their properties. maybe they press charges later Plus no fighting roosters can be put together at animal shelters 😭 some are using drones to look for marijuana growing, also they are surveying with drones, looking for blackmail on property owners that might also have some that might heavy equipment they can purchase from future auctions cheaply. Plus they turn in people for burning tires too. They county has also refused to arrest people over that too and they try to blackmail some more. P.I. groups have used blackmail to get permits even blackmailed for permits to use those drones over certain properties. And the FBI helps them with "leads" illegally tipping them with conversation overhead about Senators the satellites 📡🌺intercepted HEARD..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I must add, it sucked, took 6 years to get credit back.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
White out names on death certificate for prank, put name in, leave Dr's name on, made copies, threw in garbage, somebody found & turned them in, BINGO!! dead

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Easy to do, I was dead for 6 years till I needed to get a $60, 000 loan from the bank. I then had a rough time proving I was alive, the lady at ss office laughed & said yep you're dead.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you needing private investigating done?
I also know which grannies your age put out if you need some after time fun.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you needing private investigating done?
I'm a pot grower, I can investigate spider mites, aphids, gnats, bad ph, I work for a Marijauna factory with 300 employees. I investigate what kind of weed is best, look for mold... If you need any help let me know.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you needing private investigating done?
Ask Walmart! The Broncos The Walmart Heir owns the Broncos Peyton Manning Mike Pence the broncos are back on the street. It's all connected to pimps and rodeo burgers at Taco Bell and 99cent gallons of milk, Walmart having drive in theaters in their parking lots as covid happened so kids could stay outside.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
That's very interesting. I have researched your claims a bit and I found only 1 story only slightly similar to yours of Tennessee. I figure our country does allows us to take said criminals of other countries that would certainly face death if sent home. Those we give amnesty to sometimes come her illegally using fake paperwork and we let them stay because sometimes they stole from very serious criminals that were committing war crimes with their government leaders. We hide them here too and even help them get to other countries safely and we get information from those we hide, it's thought much needed information about the people they stole from and how we can steal more to damage thier leaders financial supporters. Tennessee is where alot of musicians of other countries visit trying to improve their music and could be a way to meet with some to plan to steal more from corrupt leaders and the financial supporters. There is other Larger cities with more music and movies with even more possiblities to meet with other said criminals Religious leaders in other countries are known to help some flee secretly That's a nice fake story you told that seemed very interesting while I am feeling very good

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Long time ago like 5 years ago in Missouri, I faked my death. I had just gotten out of jail a Preacher at the jail got me a job fixing flooded moldy houses for a lawyer. Another preacher from St Louis jail did home inspection. I went to work at a morgate company. Then an insurance company that gave estimates on repairs. Point being they got me grants because I was a drug user found me jobs I was to stupid to ever do and they like helping drug users get loans after getting a job. They even helped me pass my drug test while I was on probation. The preachers had friends overseas doing missionary work they found a doctor in a different country to get the fake death certificate and my employer had insurance on me too so they got some money. So they got paid anyhow they told me after the insurance pays for me to move to Belize Incase they want to arrest me and I hated it there in Belize because they were a pervert child molester cult I didn't know that until I went to Belize.. anyhow the local sheriff set me up I didn't know it was the sheriff mad because she didn't get any money from it and the they hadn't helped the local sheriff find money and loans she the local sheriff started sending these flyers to my old address a family contacted me in secret told me about the fyler and paperwork I had supposedly won a new car and $120k so I went to claim it and I was arrested right then. It didn't because those were federal charges and the sheriff later got in trouble I worked with the FBI and I am already released from the Cumberland Correction federal prison in Maryland and relocated to Gatlinburg Tennessee to find more of their cult for the FBI and that star from that documentary Good Fellas is here in Tennessee too

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I am not retarded! I ain't like you! When I see a zombie I shoot it!

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Some I-G-N-O-R-A-N-T towns haven't been enforcing AIDS ROUND UPS If they have a needle exchange program around hobo camps and AIDS clinics they are usually making sure those on P-A-R-O-L-E are taking their aids medicine they have medicine to keep aids from spreading. They have medicine for hepatitis to cure it as long as they find out. But pimps and prostitutes that already know they have aids REFUSE to take the medicine that wanting to purposely spread aids they do A-I-D-S R-O-U-N-D U-P anyone on P-A-R-O-L-E or probation in a drug court system has a high chance of having aids especially if they participate in the needle exchange program the needle exchange program is CONFIDENTIAL

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Some Floridians are begging other States to send them fentynal. They have had over 8000 illegal migrants come over to Florida illegally since August they have stormed their borders bringing illnesses but they do want to work they will fix up homes lots of homes are pretty much distroyed by hurricanes and flooding. All they want is form then to participate IN BIDENS PAROLE SYSTEM, they want then to work they don't want them to own a guns or to possess or sell drugs they don't want them on the internet they want them drug tested if working they want their work to find out if they have viruses like COVID or aids. Plus they want some money for the parole officer.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I watched a relative try to clean up his wife from them type of camps from another country. He helped her get off the drugs made her legal helped get her a job she and soon after getting a job she got cancer and diabetes she already had hepatitis and herpes he knew that and he said that was better then getting aids from someone in the area. He wasted his life and he went broke he almost become homeless and was afraid he would live in a hobo camp. The stories from the guys like him that found wives in those countries are the same they have mental problems they will commit suicide after you fix everything they will burn your house and kill their own kids they self distruct hurting others around them when they find out they have more health problems they can't fix. They burn their houses I guess because they brought bed bugs and lice into their new homes.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I already casted my vote when it gets found over even if stupid walmart security gaurds knows that's not proper procedure even if he knows it's illegal to treat people like that. it doesn't matter it goes back to their jurisdiction or even country. They are not supposed to let their convicted rapists with aids come to our area with D-E-A-D-L-Y drugs and the drug dealers are not to bring their infested prostitutes to the area either. their drugs are contaminated D-E-A-D-L-Y you are stupid to think the hobo camp community can afford the best drugs.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I don't know how things work at a town Council meeting but I think someone needs to put in motion to get it approved that all serious drugs found in the city should be taken to bigger cities even bigger states with hobo camps that have aids clinics right beside the hobo camps. Those in those hobo camps have aids, drug addictions, cancer, lice, bed bugs, they probably even have MERSA, staff infections, flesh eating bacteria even leprosy is possible at those camps if they don't control those numbers. You can't hire them people if those illnesses exist your business will get lice and bed bugs. They can't afford their daily drug habit let in alone their Medical bills. Our smaller State and smaller cities shouldn't even have fentynal or serious drugs coming. Obviously it's from those bigger cities that their problems keep spreading. We can't afford them in our area..those drugs are for them people they need them. They should have to pickup their homeless prostitutes that some how they climbed the fence and escaped from the hobo camps or quarantined area what ever that city state or country calls the hobo camp. If you visit those areas and try being nice to those homeless and offer them a ride they might repay you with drugs and those drugs are no good and they will rape and they will you kill. Catholic churches have been hiding how many volunteers have been stalked raped and killed by the homeless people they tried and did help. It shouldn't have ever been here around our kids and it should be sent back immediately

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
You are not successful. Obviously if you were successful you would know that Religious leaders while Missionary work get told by other countries what they're foreign governments will do or allow if they bring successful businesses to their area It might sound illegal but it's not. How can American businesses compete against them ni##ers illegally stealing from us

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
See correct correct. Me come to walmart me take me prostitutes and mexicos evidence drugs back to Mexico the correct Policia needs take to them

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
See Senor me policia, me Mayor sends me to your county road to put up de road block. You can no run passed where me block road me Policia. I have authority to be there. Me town council member and Mayor approved an voted. Four we to go and stop criminals we control bringing drugs and money. Strategies really work make Mexico and make the The Americas

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Okay MR LEGAL WEED. being a travel agent you should be well aware of those stories of some travelers purposely going to third world countries and faking their deaths with fake death certificates committing insurance fraud. Recently in a retarded area of the world members of a town council decided to use their newspaper to post fake obituaries. Those obituaries were to make cmolest VICTIMS stop seeking justice, thinking the molesters were dead. keeping the molesters from turning others they knew It was recently after a their corrupt jail was found supplying dope to parents in jail that friends of those jailers started dying and Knox County found out and wanted the RETARDED AREA to post more obituaries like that.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
That's what they did to me 😆they "attended" Town Council meetings before I ever did & informed me of ways, that members of the town council, thought our town can be even safer but technically those who informed me are just firefighters & home inspectors, cable company workers etc ect but their strategies to make the town safer "Their Strategies Really Work"

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I'm of Michigan, I was & I still am a travel agent, in Michigan. We were told to do pretty much the same things but we also are supposed to work with law enforcement where our clients are traveling, any client that seems to have drug money & we also get rewarded for our helpful information.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: That's funny Gloves, chairs, locks ha ha
God, locks & glocks here.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you needing private investigating done?
Can u find my farts?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
an AR12 that would make the ny fight picker those extra holes that crybaby from jamestown was asking for.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Member of Market place know what type of guy this is. HE IS A COWARD!!! HIS TYPE DID STEAL PURSES AND BEAT WOMEN ALL HOLIDAY SEASON!! he has been acting as if he has lots of toys and electronic items for sell cheaply THEN HE ROBS GRANDMOTHERS & MOTHERS Car jacking isn't what this guy does usually but he might. He checks their Facebook page trying to guess if they have a gun

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Are you needing private investigating done?
I use to be a police officer in New York and I have training in private investigating in the past I made some big money and I made friends that were on the town council by finding blackmail, big money when it's blackmail on a candidate running in an election. That's what I do afford my pills but that money is dwindling.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
Im a criminal in new york & glad people are afraid to carry guns, if think they do i pick a different old lady to rob or car jack, i then go get on jamestown eddefeed & try to say they threatend me because im a criminal.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I am also from Texas, El Paso Texas. I was a realtor in Texas and I would like to say that elected officials, & members of the town Council said if anyone has large sums of cash for down payments on homes but their bank accounts don't have that much money showing ever, to let them law enforcement officers know about them type and they'll investigate and get a no knock search warrant plus if my information was helpful I got 1/3 of anything seized as a paid informant, that was my reward.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What would you do if you were new to an area
I know about coruption and towncouncil stuff, because I was a door greater at the Waco TX Walmart. As a door greeter for Walmart you can. Quickly meet people, those people are possible voters, you hand them stickers like you would later hand them your campaign buttons. As a door greeter from the Waco Walmart I was told to violate people's civil rights every day I was told to practice routine traffic stops by pulling over carts and demanding to see proof of purchase. I was told to let other security guards from other businesses pose as law enforcement & harass my voters (MY CUSTOMERS) in my district (MY PARKING LOT) I was also told to let certain Courts handle illegal crimes that happened in my parking lot, even though that Walmart has its own county court house, I was told to let pimps, prostitutes, and people caught posssessing drug to be arrested by officers from another towns and to let them be taken to a court house outside our auctual district, where they'd get a reduced sentence because that court house may have sold them the drugs and a list of illegal drug using prostitutes. I was told to request proof of a permit to carry for anyone packing a pistol just like an officer. I was told I could mistakingly kill anyone and not be arrested. I could demand any customer to show me their Identification threaten deportation and arrest Walmart never told me I could do stuff like that fire fighters and law enforcement that attend town Council meetings told me I could do that to better protect my customers I was told I could watch customers voluntarily offering to be strip searched in the fitting rooms

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » What would you do if you were new to an area
What would you do if you were already successfull, if you already had a chain of successfull business started? You were bringing in a new business to a new City and you are not of that city, You just thought you could buy some cheap commercial property, build another business use your totally legal strategies and connections and it will do well in that area too, just like all the other areas..but then members of that town council wanted to talk to you because they had some business strategies that are totally illegal in all the other cities that you've been successful in but Those Town Council members say you can use those strategies to make your business even more successful and you could avoid lawsuits, as in the lawsuits were a threat, that those town council members would help any one trying to sue you, if you didn't participate in the illegal things they wanted you to participate in. If you were able to keep your business alive somehow Years later would have noticed other businesses striving and if they were using those illegal strategies alot of stuff caught on camera too but they had a strategy to removing or deleting those recordings

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: City Employees
What is wrong with all you chicken ass people. You need to stand up for these men. They pick up your boxes and your trash. Fight for these guys. They have Bills to pay, children to buy Christmas present for. Come on people stand up for these men

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: City Employees
Well here is a good one for you. Last night at the city council meeting last night in Corbin KY wouldn't even talk about giving the Recycling or Sanitation a raise or even talk about giving the cost of living. If they can't afford to give them the raise or cost of living, I believe that I will call The State Auditor and have the Mayor and his office Audited. This guy's put there life's in danger as much as anyone else. They handle boxes, who knows they can be needles in them and get stuck. Same as sanitation. All I can say is come Monday, I will be calling the State Auditor

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you cop that fired you weapon at work & you just don't want to take a drug test? Thats fine!
They took his video down. Since they took his video down he might have been doing something illegal with his cleaning service. Do you think the democrats want to put republicans into the welfare to work camps and do those things to their pregnant woman

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: City Employees
THEY LIE Did you hear there is going to be a shortage of diesel? But there ain't going to be a shortage of diesel They just can't pay truckers enough because of the sickness out there as the weather gets colder SARS ZOMBIE WOMEN WALKING OUT IN THE SNOW JUMP IN TO ANY HEATED UNLOCKED VEHICLE GOING SLOW OR STOPPED IF THEY SEE IT They lie to cover up things. Them truckers have seen many factory workers and distribution workers with SARS ALREADY THEY SHELVES ARE EMPTY BECAUSE OF MONKEY POX INFECTED PUS When they thought Sudafed was the way to live when SARS was killing people they lied and said they were hoarding it to make meth New York hoarded so much Sudafed and masks back then the mask mandate back them limited New Yorkers to how many mask they could buy and they staged a terrorist attack, so they could buy more mask after the mandate And they detained Muslims because of SARS was out there in Africa not MONKEY POX THEY HAD SARS THEN They called meth users meth monkeys back then BECAUSE THEY KNEW the meth monkeys had SORES NOT SARS. City Police and city workers will have to extra hatd work at detaining the SORE people and they take them out of the regular population and detain them They want more money. Natural disasters cause them to have detain poor people into WELFARE TO WORK CAMPS. Soldiers pick up the people that don't have electricity, clean water, or food then the soldiers with busses and trucks take them to a welfare to work camp OR THEY WILL DIE OUT THERE IF THEY DON'T GO WITH THR SOLDIERS Because their local government was ran by criminals that lie and they didn't have enough supplies because "they" spent on stupid stuff and stupid people It happens in Africa all the time the refugee camps are really just welfare to work camps At walfare to work camps and refugee camps they sell their own children and do drugs They still live like meth monkeys ONCE THE ELECTRIC WIRES, CLEAN WATER, AND FOOD IS BACK TO PLACES BEING CONTROLED BY BETTER GOVERNMENT FIGURES THEY LET THE METH MONKEYS OUT OF THE BIG CAGE- THE WELFARE TO WORK CAMPS

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » City Employees
Such when did City employees start putting up Reeves signs. Are they getting paid through the Majors office. Cause he sure can't give the Sanitation department a raise. It's ashame that the police department and fire department gets a raise and they don't. They put their life's in danger just as much. Handling boxes and trash. But I guess it's not whose ass you kiss, but who you know

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » KC Schmidt
Who knows KC Schmidt?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Traffic getting really busy in Corbin
Oh Yeah! We are a really big deal, and we are getting bigger as time marches on....

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Traffic getting really busy in Corbin
Yes! We are a big deal, man. Everyone wants to be here right now. Corbin Rocks!

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » That's funny Gloves, chairs, locks ha ha
If you didn't know in July 2022 CAMPBELL COUNTY, Tenn. (WVLT) - Officials with the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office and the CSX Railroad Police Department partnered for a joint investigation into a string of railroad thefts that ended in an arrest, officials with the CCSO said in a release. CSX employees had reported on an earlier date that several items, including two railroad switch locks, railroad issued work gloves and zero gravity chairs had been stolen from a station on Saw Mill Lane in Duff, the release said. The alleged theft stopped railroad service from Corbin, KY to Knoxville while employees located replacements. During the investigation, investigators found William Franklin Cox at home on North Highway 25W. At his home, officers reportedly found the missing materials and even more equipment. Cox was arrested for two counts of theft under $999.99, critical infrastructure vandalism and tampering with evidence. [LINK]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
Pics or it dont count

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
Are her tits big enough? I don't think so. Even if she has a 44 size bosom she would still be too small in the boob area. Fortunately for me I'm not that large either and I'm glad I'm not. It's that too many women who are older than me that are more petite than me tease me for having bigger tits than them and telling me they are glad not to have big tits like I do but they are also glad that I am more bosomy than them. My tits are the first thing everybody notices about me LOL!

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Are you cop that fired you weapon at work & you just don't want to take a drug test? Thats fine!
Another inbred that can't put sentences together correctly. Thank God democrats want to abort their kids.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Are you cop that fired you weapon at work & you just don't want to take a drug test? Thats fine!
Are you cop that fired you weapon at work & you just don't want to take a drug test? Thats fine! Are you running for an elected position, or think you might be in altercation with a loved one soon, maybe your sinful kids are back talking you, do you suspect your spouse of cheating, maybe you are having a family reunion soon. For what ever reason YOU NEED OUR NUMBER 1-888-477-0015 Crime scene clean up in Corbin KY call 1-888-477-0015 We are discrete and 100% noiseless.. Noiseless Carpet removal & carpet installation done overnight. Over night color matching painting we do that.. 100% noiseless painting overnight!!! We clean trunks of cars to perfection, & Back seats of vehicles cleaned spotless If you need a matching replacement Rent-A-Car we got that We also do collision repair discreetly when possible (vehicle has to running but we do tow) 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" Acts 4:12 "Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Confess Your sins to no man.YouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What's up with PIZZA HUT CLOSING, are we getting a Habit Burger Grill or A&W?
I ain't a coach, so I will glady confess to even more.. I am even bragging what I saw qnd have proof of.. I went to a Taylor Momsen concert those tickets were rather cheap back then (the lil girl from The Grinch that stole Christmas her concert) her concert in Louisville back when she was like 14 years old and she was drunk on stage and I knew that, and I kept recording (illegally with my cellphone- I hid my phone i was already knowing GOSSIP says she dances like that when she drinks) and I lied to security gaurds and I said I didn't have cellphone and I wasn't recording when they tried to take everyone's cellphones away.. So what if you think I am bad person having proof of what she did on stage drunk at the age 14 but security gaurds are worse for aiding their crimes Watch it before they take off of YouTubeYouTube They actually already took it off YouTube THIS VIDEO LINK DOESN'T SHOW EVERYTHING HONESTLY IT DON'T SHOW EVERYTHING... I would have to post it somewhere else..I am not going to

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What's up with PIZZA HUT CLOSING, are we getting a Habit Burger Grill or A&W?
I did drink 2 pitchers of beer all ony my own at pizza hut, I admit it. But every one was an adult It is not a crime to fall off the wagon and there was a bus driver a shuttlebus driver for the casino not a school bus driver I confess I am recovering alcoholic that can drink 2 pitchers of beer rather quickly. Until then I was 3025 DAYS clean and sober and those were not cheerleaders they were but college cheerleaders, we took college kids to Pizza Hut's all you can eat lunch buffet.. They had no money they ran out of gas during spring break, are shuttle bus driver was nice enough to pick them up... They were out of gas while traveling back to Canada asking for help and we also went to a horse race together. Its not a crime for college kids to go to a horse race, it's illegal for them to gamble... That was not a school event I was not on the clock. I broke no law and it's not a sin to drink a lil bit. Ask a Preist that takes pain pills and drives, if a Doctor ever confessed he had a drug addiction and accidently killed a fellow church member he was operating on.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: What's up with PIZZA HUT CLOSING, are we getting a Habit Burger Grill or A&W?
Obviously that's because Colonel Sanders relatives said Chinese people can't cook deer meat and frog legggs and they called the cops on the Chinese place.. Plus Them noisy Pizza Hut employees at the Pizza Hut in Louisville that serves beer aren't supposed check Facebook to see if a coach is a Alcoholic Anonymous Sponsor but his table with only 2 adults and 3 teen cheerleaders went threw 3 pitchers of beer Qnd it's worse in New York around them stock traders and in Washington THEY DON'T REPRESENT WHAT THEY SAID THEY WILL...

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » What's up with PIZZA HUT CLOSING, are we getting a Habit Burger Grill or A&W?
What's up with no Pizza Hut in Corbin, isn't it a Yum! Brand? Yum Brands is working to help its franchisees navigate the coronavirus with a variety of assistance, including grace periods on royalty payments and deferred capital spending requirements. Those efforts also involve helping a “small number” of franchisees around the world, including some U.S. Pizza Hut operators, who were in financial distress entering the crisis, problems made much worse by a weekslong shutdown. One of the company’s options could include something else: bringing new franchisees on board. “We’re fielding some inbound requests from outside capital partners who would like to put money to work in our system, ” Yum CFO Chris Turner said on the company’s first quarter earnings call Wednesday. “That gives us a multilayered approach to bolstering the health of our store network.” The comments suggest that Yum could steer some of its struggling operators to sell their units to outside investors if they can’t make it through the next few months. “It starts with the primary focus on working with our existing franchisees, in particular those who are suffering the most distress, ” Turner said. “But we do have backup plans with partners who could step in, if needed, in certain parts of the globe.” Yum operates four brands: KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and the recently purchased Habit Burger Grill. All of them have seen steep decreases in sales in recent weeks. Globally, Yum Brands’ same-store sales have fallen 7%. But those same-store sales were down 30% in the second half of March and into April, including declines of 20% to 25% at Pizza Hut, 30% at Taco Bell and 35% at KFC. About 10, 000 of Yum’s more than 50, 000 locations worldwide are closed. Pizza Hut in particular has struggled in recent years, as many of the brand’s U.S. locations are still reliant on dine-in service as part of its old casual-dining model. The chain has also lagged behind competitors such as Domino’s Pizza. Its largest franchisee, NPC International, was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy heading into the coronavirus crisis. NPC is also the largest franchisee of Wendy’s. In the first quarter, Yum Brands said, “bad debt expense” from franchisees more than tripled, to $28.5 million. While some of that is related to the COVID-19 crisis, about $17 million is due to “franchisee-specific situations, ” including some KFC operators in Europe and Latin America and “a handful of Pizza Hut U.S. accounts.” Most of that, the company said, is coming from eight Pizza Hut operators in the U.S. The crisis “is a really unprecedented situation, and the pandemic is causing strain on our franchisees, particularly in markets where stores are closed, and we’re working hard to help bridge to the other side, ” Turner said. Challenges with the U.S. Pizza Hut system have thwarted the brand’s efforts to turn itself around, and the coronavirus crisis is only exacerbating those challenges. Executives on the earnings call said they were pleased with the brand’s performance recently under Kevin Hochman, who earlier this year was given control of the chain’s U.S. business. Pizza Hut has generated strong growth with digital and delivery orders in recent weeks, as well as contactless carryout orders. The company recently set a digital sales record, doing more business on a typical Friday than during either of the past two Super Bowls. “This three-month period we’re in right now is basically going to have three years’ worth of changes to our business, ” CEO David Gibbs said. “It’s accelerating the plan that we had for Pizza Hut in getting us to be this truly digital-delivery-carryout business.” Getting franchisees in the right state, however, is important to that goal. Company executives stressed that the vast majority of its operators were in strong financial health going into the crisis.  The company is giving grace periods to franchisees that need the excess capital, but Yum is also ensuring that the operators who receive such breaks are “in good standing.” The grace periods give operators an additional 60 days to make two of their royalty payments. “One of the qualifications for being able to take advantage of those grace periods for the franchisees who need it is they are in good standing, ” Turner said. “That’s something we’ve been managing carefully as we go through this.” Yum Brands (sometimes also spelled with the logo's enthusiastic exclamation point as "Yum! Brands") isn't a name the average consumer might use on a regular basis. No one says, "Oh, I want to go to the Yum Brands restaurant down the street for dinner tonight, " for instance. But despite the brand's lack of visibility in our day-to-day vernacular, drive through just about every American town and you'll see evidence of Yum Brands' existence. The fast food corporation is most well-known as the parent company for KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. According to Fortune, Yum Brands operates more than 50, 000 restaurants across the globe, all from its headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. The Yum Brands story isn't one of rags to riches or small-town success gone national. In truth, Yum Brands was set up to succeed from the beginning, and it's done just that — but not without leaving a little bit of scandal in its wake. Here's the untold truth of Yum Brands, from the admirable to the infamous Yum Brands has its roots in another mammoth company Yum Brands was even conceived, PepsiCo stood in its shoes, overseeing fast food chains like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut as part of its restaurant division. PepsiCo had purchased Pizza Hut in 1977, Taco Bell in 1978, and KFC in 1986 (via Funding Universe). However, in 1997, PepsiCo made the decision to focus on soft drinks and Frito-Lay snacks, spinning the fast food restaurants off into their own company called Tricon Global Restaurants (via the Independent). Even then, however, PepsiCo wouldn't break all its ties to the Yum Brands restaurants. Tricon, and now Yum Brands, had a lifetime contract with Pepsi, which is why you can now only find Pepsi products at Yum Brands restaurants. The only exception to this rule occurred when Yum Brands owned A&W Restaurants for a brief time, when Dr. Pepper-Snapple Group provided the restaurants with their A&W Root Beer, thanks to a prior contract (via Seafood Media Group). Yum Brands didn't technically exist until 2002 Although the foundation for Yum Brands was established as early as 1977, with PepsiCo's first restaurant purchase as it acquired Pizza Hut, Yum Brands wasn't actually a brand at all until 2002, when Tricon Global Restaurants changed its name to Yum! Brands, Inc. At the time of the name change, leadership told QSR that the new name better reflected the brand's fun culture and the goal to "put a 'Yum' on customers' faces all around the world." The same year that Tricon Global Restaurants changed its name to Yum Brands, the brand also acquired Long John Silver's and A&W All-American Food Restaurants, via a merger with the Lexington, Kentucky-based Yorkshire Global Restaurants. The merger added about a thousand A&W restaurants to Yum's portfolio and more than a thousand Long John Silver's restaurants. As QSR reports, the hope was that the merger would result in an added $5 billion in incremental system sales and $1 billion in new shareholder value. Only a few Yum Brands restaurants have stuck around Scott Olson/Getty Images Despite these hopes of additional sales and value, things didn't really work out between Yum Brands and Long John Silver's and A&W. After nine years, Yum Brands decided to sell the restaurants, with the chairman and CEO at the time saying that the two chains just didn't fit in with Yum's overall goals (via QSR). This was partially credited to the fact that Yum Brands was more into pushing its overseas growth, and neither restaurant had a presence overseas or the likelihood of growing one. But Long John Silver's and A&W aren't the only brands that Yum picked up and dumped over the years; they're just the most well-known. Other brands that have gotten the boot include Back Yard Burgers and Pasta Bravo, both of which Yum Brands partnered with and then left after unsuccessfully trying to pair them with Pizza Hut locations (via Entrepreneur), and Super Chix, a chicken restaurant concept (via Nation's Restaurant News). Yum Brands is still acquires other restaurants Shutterstock Even though Pizza Hut, KFC, and Taco Bell have been Yum Brands' stalwart successes, the brand is undeterred from continuing to acquire other restaurant chains. Most recently, in 2020, Yum acquired The Habit Restaurants, Inc., parent company to The Habit Burger Grill. A California-based chain that's been around for more than 50 years, Habit Burger Grill is known for offering chargrilled burgers, chicken sandwiches, and ahi tuna sandwiches. As of 2019, according to a press release issued by Yum Brands, there were just about 300 Habit Burger Grill restaurants located in both the United States and China — a combination that was sure to appeal to Yum Brands, with its mammoth Chinese footprint. Over in the US, you can find Habit Burger Grill locations throughout 13 states, including those in the Southwest, Mid-Atlantic, and southern coastal states. Another press release following the acquisition showed that Yum continues to expand Habit Burger Grill's international standing, with a new location opening in Cambodia in October 2020. Yum Brands grew quickly in China Bloomberg/Getty Images China was always a large market for Yum Brands, but by 2016, it was clear that Yum Brands' China operations were large enough to form their own corporation, and so Yum China was born. An independent company apart from Yum Brands, Yum China boasts exclusive rights to operating KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell locations in the country. Currently,  Yum China claims that Pizza Hut is China's top casual dining restaurant brand and that KFC is the top quick-service restaurant brand in China. Regardless of the rankings, though, the numbers certainly don't lie. As of 2017, Yum China was operating more than 7, 700 restaurants in the country, in more than 1, 100 Chinese cities, employing over 420, 000 individuals. On top of the KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell brands, Yum China also operates Yum Brands' China-specific brands, such as East Dawning and Little Sheep. East Dawning was created by Yum Brands in the mid-2000s, using the KFC business model but serving Chinese cuisine (via The Wall Street Journal). Little Sheep, meanwhile, is a Chinese hot pot restaurant chain that Yum Brands purchased in 2011, according to China Perspective. Yum Brands opened the first American fast food restaurant in the West Bank David Silverman/Getty Images Yum Brands' fast food prowess isn't only limited to China. To that end, Yum took its eats to the West Bank in 2012, opening the first American fast food restaurant ever in the Palestinian territory. Yum Brands can't take all the credit for this feat, though, as it all comes down to one especially daring entrepreneur. The combination KFC and Pizza Hut, according to the Los Angeles Times, opened only after a Palestinian entrepreneur, Adeeb Bakri, worked around the demands of Israeli franchise owners, who insisted Palestinians go through Israeli companies to open branch restaurants like KFC and Pizza Hut. But, rather than working with the Israeli franchise owners, Bakri went straight to Yum Brands to get his own franchise. He was undeterred by concerns that Palestinians would boycott the two restaurants due to the United States' support of Israel, noting that the only thing he sourced from the Americans was the franchise and the recipes. He contended that everything else, from his employees to the food ingredients sourced for the restaurant, is Palestinian. There are now six KFC branches in Palestine alone. In 2013, Yum Brands expanded into Mongolia Bloomberg/Getty Images A year after the first KFC opened in the West Bank, Yum Brands took its western cuisine to Mongolia as part of an overarching effort to expand into Russia, Africa, and certain European countries, reported the Louisville Business Journal. The KFC restaurant in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia was one of five planned for the country, with further plans to open more than a dozen restaurants in Mongolia through 2018. Not only was this particular KFC location the first for the brand in the country, but it was also the country's first Western fast food restaurant. And if that weren't enough, Yum Brands also introduced the drive-thru concept to Mongolian diners. Unfortunately, in 2019, all of the Mongolian KFC restaurants were suspended after hundreds of patrons contracted food poisoning and more than 40 diners were hospitalized (via CNBC). At that time, Yum Brands' franchise partners operated approximately 11 KFC restaurants in the country, not quite living up to the promises made after the 2013 initial opening. After that incident, the chain still appears to be operating in the country, with an active Instagram presence and a new restaurant in Ulaanbaatar debuting in April 2021 (via KFC). Yum Brands was accused of using bad chicken The food poisoning incident that marred KFC's reputation in Mongolia wasn't the first time that Yum Brands would come under fire for serving up potentially harmful food. In 2013, before Yum Brands spun off its Chinese operations into Yum China, the corporation was accused of using chicken with "excess levels of chemical residue" in its Chinese locations. The accusation came as part of a report on Chinese KFC restaurants' chicken suppliers. At the time, the Louisville Business Journal called China Yum Brand's largest and most profitable market. Regardless, Yum Brands still experienced a 6% decline in sales in China as a result of the bad publicity over tainted chicken.  In response, the chairman and CEO of the Chinese operations issued an apology for the brand's shortcomings in checking its own supply chains. After the incident, the Chinese government determined that the chicken used at the restaurants contained safe levels of antibiotics and steroids, but the "excessive levels of chemical residue" accusations were not denied at the time. Yum Brands would also be accused of using tainted meat Yum Brands' Chinese restaurants weren't out of the clear just yet, though. In 2014, Yum Brands' KFC and Pizza Hut locations throughout China would be involved in another Chinese meat scandal. As CNN reported, the issue began when a broadcaster secretly filmed inside Shanghai Husi Food, a food supplier that provided chicken and beef to not only KFC and Pizza Hut, but also McDonald's, Papa John's, and Burger King locations, among other restaurants in the nation. In the secret video, viewers hear workers referring to meat on the processing line as "foul", see them touch it with their bare hands, and even witness some employees dropping the product on the floor before picking it up and returning it to the line. The workers were additionally seen taking expired meat out of old packaging and repackaging it with new expiration dates. After the scandal surfaced, KFC and Pizza Hut cut off all ties with the food supplier, but that still wasn't quite enough to keep the incident from making international headlines. Yum Brands frequently tests fast food concepts that never make it KFC Over the years, Yum Brands has quietly tested fast food concepts in a handful of cities, only to abandon the concepts if they don't prove successful. One of these test concepts was a fast-casual version of KFC, which Yum Brands opened in its home city of Louisville, Kentucky. The concept, called KFC Eleven, opened in 2013 and stuck around for a mere two years, as the Courier Journal reports. The restaurant offered "healthy" options that you wouldn't normally find at a typical KFC restaurant, such as rice bowls and flatbreads, and was intended to be a slow dining experience where diners could sit down and stay awhile (and maybe make use of the free WiFi). However, KFC Eleven ended up being just a test kitchen, more or less, allowing KFC teams to try out new menu items, kitchen designs, and service models for use in regular KFC locations. Once finished with the KFC Elevent concept, Yum Brands simply shut the restaurant down and transferred the employees to other KFC restaurants. Another fast food concept was intended to compete with Chick-fil-A Facebook Remember the aforementioned Super Chix, which Yum Brands tried out for a while and then sold? Well, Super Chix wasn't a restaurant that Yum bought and then abandoned as it did with Long John Silver's. Instead, Super Chix was Yum Brands' own chicken concept that it created alongside a local entrepreneur and then opened in Texas as a way to compete with Chick-fil-A. The menu focused on chicken strips and sandwiches, unsurprisingly enough, with frozen custard for dessert. The Dallas Observer reported that it was incredibly similar to the ultra-popular Chick-fil-A's menu offerings. But, alas, like some of its other restaurant concept brethren, Super Chix was not to last long in the Yum Brands family. After just a year and two locations, Super Chix was sold to that local entrepreneur who helped get the idea off the ground in the first place (via Nation's Restaurant News). Today, the brand seems to be doing fine on its own without Yum Brands' help, with more than 15 locations around the southern and southwestern United States. Yum Brands (basically) bought the Derby Shutterstock Among all the different things and ideas that Yum Brands has acquired over its life, surely one of the oddest is the Kentucky Derby. In 2006, The Kentucky Derby sold its name to Yum Brands, taking the name of the Kentucky Derby from just that to, technically, "The Kentucky Derby presented by Yum! Brands" (via CNN). The purchase came just four years after Yum Brands officially came into existence, breaking away from the Tricon Global Restaurants name, and was essentially a way to get the name out there to potential investors. At the time, a spokesperson noted that most individual investors already knew of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell, but they didn't yet know Yum. Therefore, the purchase would put the Yum name out there and hopefully help the brand to grow its number of individual investors, with the spokesperson saying, "We currently have 20% of our shares held by individual investors. We'd like to increase that to 30% over time. Individual investors tend to be more loyal and they like to buy the stock of companies whose products they use." By 2017, however, the deal was done. According to the Courier Journal, that's when Yum Brands stepped away from the sponsorship deal, allowing bourbon brand Woodford Reserve to step in as the next big corporate sponsor of the Derby. Yum Brands earns high marks for its fight against hunger Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images Occasionally, big corporations like Yum Brands use their power for good — and that's exactly what Yum Brands is doing with its World Hunger Relief campaign. The campaign is the largest private-sector, hunger-focused fundraising campaign in the world, an effort that's so significant that the U.N.'s World Food Program USA calls vital to its work.  According to Yum, through fundraising at more than 43, 000 restaurants since 2007, the corporation has raised more than $600 million in cash donations for the United Nations World Food Programme, which feeds up to 138 million people per year in more than 80 countries via more than 24 billion meals. The money that Yum Brands raises accounts for 2.4 billion meals since 2007, with every U.S. dollar raised in the effort going to provide four child-sized meals. Yum Brands takes donations for the fundraising campaign not only in its KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell locations but also via text. Yum Brands is one of the world's largest restaurant companies Shutterstock It's not difficult to believe that Yum Brands is one of the world's largest and most successful restaurant companies. According to Statista, Yum Brands boasts total assets of $5.85 billion (with the most valuable of its brands being KFC) and 50, 353 restaurant units worldwide (with nearly half of those restaurant units being KFC locations). There are more than 2, 000 franchisee partners, according to Yum, and more than 1.5 million Yum Brands employees. But, as Yum Brands has grown, it's also paid close attention to its sustainability and diversity. In 2020, Yum Brands was added to the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index for its fourth year and, in the same year, it was named a Top 100 Best Corporate Citizen by 3BL Media. In 2021, Yum Brands also launched the Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence, with a focus on educating franchisees and especially underrepresented people of color and women, helping them to pursue entrepreneurship. The center is part of an overall Yum Brands Unlocking Opportunity Initiative, which promises $100 million in investments to promote equity and inclusion. Yum Brands wants to slash greenhouse gas emissions nearly in half Shutterstock Yum Brands also aims to decrease the corporation's greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030. According to QSR, efforts to meet this goal include reducing emissions on both the corporate and restaurant level, reducing emissions in Yum Brands' overall supply chain, switching corporate offices to renewable energy, reducing plastic waste, and highlighting plant-based menu items across its brands. By 2025, Yum Brands plans to only use recyclable, compostable, or reusable packaging at all Taco Bell locations worldwide. Taco Bell is also changing its menu to better highlight those plant-based menu items, while KFC and Pizza Hut are looking for plant-based alternatives like those offered from Beyond Meat.  Already, Yum Brands has achieved a goal of sourcing all its palm oil from third-party-approved sustainable sources. To those same ends, Yum Brands further wants to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, a Restaurant Dive article noted. Read More: [LINK]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
He looks that guy Gov Bevin Pardoned. Patrick Baker the guy Governor Bevin Pardoned that made the FBI so mad. Did Patrick Baker have family working at a jail or in Law enforcementYouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
WPD facing lawsuit accusing falsified test results In hope that they could force innocent people into thier cult Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotocs Anonymous has been said one of the largest cults and was once ran by K.K.K members that had drug problems with. WHITLEY COUNTY - A local man and his wife are suing the City of Williamsburg, Police Chief Wayne Bird and members of the Williamsburg Police Department after they say police falsified test results on a substance found in the family’s vehicle that ultimately led to an arrest and trafficking charges. The substance was instead decorative sand bought to decorate a loved one’s gravesite, says the lawsuit filed by attorney James H. Wren on behalf of his clients in Whitley County Circuit Court on August 6. However, because his client is the former brother-in-law of Chief Bird, Wren writes Bird “used his office as the Chief of Police of the City to retaliate against” him. Back in March, Wren’s client was driving his wife’s vehicle when he was pulled over by WPD Officer Dorman Patrick, who is also named in the lawsuit. The lawsuit states that Patrick said he had observed the vehicle driving carelessly. After making contact, checking the plaintiff’s driver’s license and removing him from the vehicle, Patrick was later joined by Officer Bryson Lawson on scene, and the two began searching the vehicle. The lawsuit then says Patrick stood up and told the plaintiff that his partner found “it” under the driver’s seat, but never specified what “it” was. The lawsuit says Patrick then took a picture of the discovered item and called Chief Bird asking if he could identify “it.” Patrick then told Lawson that Bird said the package was either methamphetamine or fentanyl, the lawsuit says. When the victim asked what fentanyl was, the lawsuit says Patrick responded telling him “not to act dumb.” The lawsuit says Patrick then put the man through multiple standard field sobriety tests (SFST), and although it says he completed them all, Patrick told the man he had completely failed all of the tests and was being arrested for DUI and a bench warrant issued against the plaintiff for unpaid child support. After being transported to the county’s ambulance service where he refused to submit to drug testing, the plaintiff was eventually taken to Williamsburg City Hall where more sobriety tests were conducted. The lawsuit says that at that time, the plaintiff heard Bird say that he was using “old tests” and that he didn’t “know that they would work, ” says the lawsuit. It goes on to say Bird then went around a wall in the administrative space, and that the man could not see what actual testing was being done on the substance found in the vehicle. The lawsuit says at no time did the man see Patrick, Lawson, or any other officer hand custody of the package to Bird. Nor did he see Bird ever take a sample from the bag found in the vehicle. The lawsuit says that Bird then brought what he claimed was a testing sample in front of the victim’s face, but that the bag contained only a red liquid and no sandy substance that would be expected in the testing sample, “had Bird actually tested the substance found in vehicle, ” reads the lawsuit. “When the sample was held in the face of, Bird additionally shouted, ‘We got you! After you pull time for us, you will pull time for DEA - it will be ten years a piece, for a total of 20 years, ’” reads the lawsuit. “Bird was smiling, and appeared to be happy and cheerful that was being taken to jail having been ‘caught.’” “Bird staged a false negative — either testing another substance known to be positive for methamphetamine, or intentionally, recklessly, and grossly negligently tainted the sand (if he ever acquired possession of the package) with a known quantity of methamphetamine, so that the field test would report positive, ” says the lawsuit. “Bird was so convinced that he had captured his former brother-in-law with a large quantity of methamphetamine, Bird reasoned that when Kentucky State Police laboratory confirmed that the substance seized was methamphetamine, no one would be the wiser that Bird did not actually test the sand seized from, ” it added. The plaintiffs later learned that their car had been impounded and the police department was claiming the bag held 273 grams of methamphetamine. The lawsuit also makes mention of a Facebook post published by the police department on March 22, 2021 claiming they had seized “approximately half a pound” of a controlled substance from the victim’s vehicle. Wren called the claim that WPD had seized over a quarter of a million dollars from the victim’s car “absurd on its face, ” and said it placed his client in grave danger of “burglary, robbery, or even homicide.” The lawsuit claims that while there was a warrant for the plaintiff’s arrest for back due child support, the $1, 400 total needed to release that warrant was available on the morning of March 21, the day after the plaintiff was arrested. However, because police claimed the seized bag contained methamphetamine, the plaintiff was taken into custody and would not be released from incarceration until after the preliminary hearing on the felony of trafficking in methamphetamine. “After the Southeastern Laboratory Branch returned with the result that no controlled substance was found in the sand, the Trafficking in Methamphetamine felony claim was dismissed with prejudice, ” reads the lawsuit. “No felony claim was presented to a Whitley County Grand Jury. However, as plead above, the remaining false DUI claim continues to be prosecuted by Bird, Patrick, and the Williamsburg Police Department.” [LINK]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Truly, MAYBE not the Shelton's but they as in people in their twenties or older were out their doing hallucinate dope and watching movies, plus ready for war in Vietnam, and they hunted more back then and slaughter/butchered animals mire commonly and some were in the KLAN it was a dangerous time to be out driving if there were drug users watching movies and just driving home or to the truck stop

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
1971 The Navy, Schools, Jails, and Missionaries for most religions made the most purchases of spotted dick in a can they served the most people spotted dick in 1971.. it's like a sponge cake or fruit cake suppsedly really good in longer cans with custard pudding drizzling on top..YouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
That's true they were jailers running cults. The one jailer killed a cab driver a Louisville cab driver after running is what was first said in 2014 after he killed someone buying herion. When they originally were trying to catch the killer Miles Matthew they told more about his life and that year he worked for the jail he had been in the army and was heading back to his cult of maybe murderers n New York his ex army buddies had the cult in New York they start-up the cult with heroin they got from army connections (maybe murderers too). So they didn't want to say Miles Mathew had a herion addiction when working at the jail because that would look like he was buying it for the the jail yet he had friends he made with ex- coworkersYouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
He probably knew about secret radio stuff. Sonar and subliminal special radio stuff too. If he was in the Navy he probably knew about radio stuff. The movie theater worked like a radio station and it sometimes needed it fixing and the airport needed them that had experiences working around planes. He probably had more extra money TBN Ministers use to visit they had meeting in caves that are mine a big underground mine they do that in lots of countries they have rich mine owners donating TBN.. Chevy Chases movie was mean for saying they store toxic waste in underground mines.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
I don't know which family it is and as I am just a bus driver I don't get told everything. Because I relocated here from Maryland years ago and I still don't get told much about new families. Years ago there was a family that escaped from a cult that relocated to Corbin they'd be older now there is documentary on Epix about the FBI arrested people in the cult they use to rent at a gated apartment building in the ghetto over there in Maine or Maryland long ago the FBI said the apartment owner had a cult. He was their cult Leader lawyer and pimp. He sent the older legal age girls out to pimp on the street around the cops and the children were prostitutes ay the apartment complex to keep the Fed's from knowing. That cult leader was said black and had rallies in front of court houses for when his members got arrested. There are several families in Corbin that escaped from different cults the FEDS are always outside when they get visitors that when I use my secret bus radio to tell others members. Its not a CB we have our own radio station with out using a phone or internet we been using it for decades just like the teachers told me to, I tell our members in our religion secretly but it's on our radio station you can't hear but you can if you want to hear it.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
Well the Preacher was very nice, did he use to take the kids that had bad parents to the movie theater for free.. I use to drop em off I heard that lil boy killed his parents, or the cop neighbor did after the boy said sh## about a cult his family ran away from and now he was forced into the cult again they pimped lil kids and the boy had to attend cult meetings at a movie theater some where. The boy ran back to his old neighborhood where his original cult was and a cop from around his original cult shot him.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Have you ever heard of NFTs??? One thing is for sure their kid grew up was wrongly forced into rehab and has been trying to sell Long John Silver's and his restaurants into selling NFTsYouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Let's all go to the truck stop Let's all go to the truck stop... Obviously subliminal message caused a psycho path to become hypnotized into following them and who knows... What was playing?? YouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
I refuse to care about this anymore. I will just have to wait for the movie to find out what happened. Since they know and won't say what happened.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
The only thing I can think of about this story is the car. I'm sure if they were black living beside a movie theater they are guilty of selling alcohol and drugs to kids. Just as if there in they were members of the KKK they sold drugs and alcohol to kids. I'm just thinking it's the car, some people in law enforcement made a lil money repossessing cars they would just make up reasons to pull drivers over that were behind in payments and take the driver and passengers to jail and have the towing or repo truck pick up the vehicle abd the cops wouldget a lil bit of money from it. Im sure they made up reasons to pull over black people and by coincidences the black person was behind in payments and if the black guy felt wrongfully pulled over and resisted arrest cops probably killed him and towed the car. There is towing company that towed the car isn't there?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
A serial killer once said he put no thought into hiding a body he just threw a naked bloody body out his car along the interstate, he knew the mile marker and took the body not far from the road and the body was never found... Police guessed if so, wild animals ate the whole body...

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Maybe he had his ex-navy buddies sneak him and his wife on a submarine traveling from Ohio to Tennessee and the submarine sank due to mechanical problems & IT'S A GIANT COVER UP. How could q Texan coast gaurd man married to a young Mexican girl get his buddies to take them on a submarine or boat at night and cook soem burgers on the boat or submarine Yes some at the drive in show got invited to party and cook out on boats But the websleuths say the lakes didn't exist in Corbin in 1971

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Everyone thinks a man did it... Why can't you belive a jealous wife of a trucker or a wife of cop held at gun point then kidnapped what she thought was a pimp and his thought prostitute BUT ITS HIS WIFE AND THEY WERE JUST GETTING HAMBURGER AND A TRUCKER ASKED A HER QUESTION... MAYBE SHE WAS SU###NG HER HUSBANDS D### But a crazy mad wife out at night looking at hotels for where her husband went saw a car in a parking lot and she thought he was a pervert and that she was a prostitute.. They went somewhere????

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
You'd would or should believe in 1971 in Dallas TX outside a drive in movie theater there was an older guy of the coast gaurd that went to Mexico in the 60s and married a younger Mexican girl..that some thought he was doing something nasty with at place known or just thought to have prostitutes jumping vehicleto vehicle...and well the guy and his wife went missing their car was found empty her kids went back to Mexico to the mothers parents What do you think happened???? Did people of the area the girl is from think that was happening??? Did they ever check to see if they did things like that..??? Everyone things ***corrupt town*** BUT MAYBE THE GIRLS COUSINS WERE IN TOWN WATCHING A MOVIE OR GETTING SOMETHING TO EAT AT A TRUCK STOP and they saw something they didn't like happening

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
With so many girls with long hair jumping car to car I know every time that drive in opened the whole middle school and high school HAD LICE EPIDEMICS...the EPIDEMIC was do bad the school closed temporarily... Had to have had A LICE EPIDEMIC after the drive in theater opened..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » They still haven't solved the crime of the missing people from the drive in movie theater
Do you believe that is still unsolvedYouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Cult Leaders in Corbin - do they exist??
Are these stories from long ago anyway connected??? Give you opinions please Especially If you know these people well, if you went to school with those people, if you were yhier neighbor please give your opinion...YouTubeYouTubeYouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Need some info on Barbie Dye/Spencer
Does she put out

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Need some info on Barbie Dye/Spencer
What information do you need??

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Need some info on Barbie Dye/Spencer
Barbara??? Why?? are you trying to file her taxes for her FOR FREE??

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Need some info on Barbie Dye/Spencer
What is the story with this chick?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Traffic getting really busy in Corbin

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Traffic getting really busy in Corbin
What is going on? The last several months, the streets are really busy, like at Christmas time. No matter what time of day you go anywhere in Corbin, the main streets are crowded. Are we having a lot of people move in? I can’t figure it out.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Nurse practitioner
Jean nolan is the worst.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Nurse practitioner
Hoe bags at grace health

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Christina Bingham baker
They both nasty ass hoes

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Christina Bingham baker
Shannon slept with Brittany Owens multiple time.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
Well Tyler Do you know Kenneth Miller? Not the one that called the school and a few years ago and made crazy threats the younger Kenneth Miller arrested just like last month in London

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
I think he meant Crystal Bunch about the same age as Krysta Lynn Bunch. Crystal use to be with them needle junkies then they'd be shooting up meth and whatever else. Does Tricia or Pattty Sizemore know them people?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
You might Krysta Lynn Bunch? I think she like 39 years old?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Kevin's Music Room
Come on over and check out our recordings specials [LINK]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Anyone ever sleep with krysta bunch?
She was so hot just wondering if anyone goat it.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Trying to find Angie Strunk
Anyone out there know the Angie Shrunk story? It's been a long while.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Some will face serious criminal charges, if COVID-19 death rates keep increasing
930 new Kentucky coronavirus cases and 12 deaths. Lexington moves from red to orange. Gov. Andy Beshear announced 930 new cases of COVID-19 in Kentucky on Friday and a dozen new deaths, bringing the state’s case total to 65,066 and the death toll to 1,149. “We cannot continue to have days where we have 900-plus cases,” Beshear said in a written statement, asking people to please wear their masks and practice social distancing. “The lives and the health of the Kentuckians around us depend on it,” he said. The official rate of positive coronavirus tests in the state continues to hover below 5 percent, at 4.48 percent. At least 1,321,987 tests have been administered since early March. In nursing and assisted living homes, the state Department of Public Health reports there are 571 active cases of the virus among residents and 446 among staff. Sixty-seven resident cases and 54 staff cases were newly reported Friday. Six additional students across Kentucky’s colleges and universities and one new staff member were reported positive on Friday. Forty-six staff are actively positive, along with 1,403 students. The state also reported 114 new cases of the virus among students in grades K-12 and 18 new staff positives. There are currently 685 active cases among K-12 students statewide and 306 active cases among staff. Nine counties remain in the “red,” meaning they’re reporting at least 25 cases per 100,000 people and spread in those areas is considered “critical.” Five of those nine critical counties are in Eastern Kentucky, including Knott County, which has 67.5 cases per 100,000 people. Nine Kentucky counties had a COVID-19 incidence rate of at least 25 cases per 100,000 population on Sept. 25, 2020. ACCORDING TO KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Fayette County, which had been in the red this week, improved to “orange” Friday afternoon, with an official case rate of 24.8 cases per 100,000. If a county is in the red, the state advises schools within those counties to stop in-person learning and cancel athletic events. No decision on in-person learning was made at a special meeting of the Fayette County Board of Education Friday morning, but Superintendent Manny Caulk said the district would likely need to reach a “yellow” level before in-person classes can safely resume, meaning there needs to be 9.9 or fewer cases per 100,000 people. There are 553 people currently hospitalized with the virus in Kentucky, 130 of whom are in intensive care.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » IT'S ON- Oktoberfest starts in September
🍺🍻Oktoberfest starts in September 🍺🍻 and ends the first Sunday of October In a year when festivals and events across the region and state have been cancelled because of COVID-19, downtown Corbin will again host its annual Octoberfest. Corbin Tourism Director/Downtown Director Maggy Kriebel announced this week that Octoberfest will go forward on Saturday, Oct. 10. Moving it to Saturday is one of several changes. Kriebel said unlike previous years, it will be a one-day event with 30 to 40 vendors. It has previously been held Sunday and Monday. Kriebel said the Whitley County Farmers Market, which is similar in style to Octoberfest, has been held weekly at NIBROC Park with no issues. In an effort to increase social distancing, Kriebel said the event will be expanded beyond NIBROC Park to First Street, Sanders Park and the Corbin Tourism lot on North Main Street. There is no fee for vendors to participate. Interested vendors may call the Corbin Tourism office at 528-8860, or email Kriebel at [email protected]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Is there a haunted redbox in Corbin KY
Does anyone want to play Bloody Mary in the JC Penny bathroom on Halloween.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Is there a haunted redbox in Corbin KY
I was going to ask ya'll doesn't JC PENNEY have a redbox still?? But it said its from a RALPH'S grocery store - somewhere else

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Is there a haunted redbox in Corbin KY
Oh is that real.. Does it seem scary or fake??? If You Check Number 3, on the COUNTER down... it's a photo of a REDBOX in Corbin KY... It said haunted.. the person's head is supposed to be watching that screen on that Redbox But is rolled over like she isn't looking at that screen.. Witch Redbox is it?? Top 15 Scary Videos That Can Scare Anyone

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » If gas stations & others businesses are asking customers to wear masks
If the legal age to buy tobacco products went up to the age of 21, right as COVID-19 was getting to American cities, Where the gas stations and the liquor stores really checking the ID cards teenagers wearing masks to buy tobacco or alcohol, when school is out? I think they may have been using their friends older relatives ID card right in front of me they were not told to remove their masks is that the way some business owners say all summer the teenagers had an easier time to buy alcohol and tobacco?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Please Pray for the City's Garbage Collectors
They say, that they don't want too be called garbage collectors, that they want to be called sanitation workers. The majority believe that being called garbage collectors is rude, and I also believe being called garbage collectors doesn't show the importance of their job and how it's extremely needed in the community. May God bless the Sanitation Workers. ..AMEN

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Please Pray for the City's Garbage Collectors
I have been so worried for the Cities Garbage Collectors, I hope the COVID-19 testing at the Arena, has helped let the Citie's Garbage collectors be a little more safer.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corbin Police seek help in identifying burglary suspects
I think like that too. To think or say there are no drug dealers and users in Corbin that cops have gotten rid if them, that's dumb I doubt some could really tell a kid in this town that's out of school right now "I don't believe your parents have a drug dealer in this town, so how can I believe your parents took you to their drug dealers home to make kiddie porn because they didn't have any money for drugs" I wont pretend they don't have drug problems that's what makes things worse

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Gov Andy Beshear says to stay away from TN if you can
Is Dolly Wood going to be ruined?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corbin Police seek help in identifying burglary suspects
There is indeed a lot of drug addicts out there. You see them everywhere, walking all over town. Sometimes as couples, where the guy will be walking 10 to 20 feet ahead of a female. Many on bicycles late at night. Apartment complexes, cheap motels and gas stations are popular hangouts. These lost souls are living, breathing zombies that are slaves to their addiction. Usually meth. It's a devil drug that will control your life. Don't ever try meth, not even once. It ruins lives, families and everything you once loved. May God be with you.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corbin Police seek help in identifying burglary suspects
I don't believe there are alot of drug addict's out there. I have a sister in her 70's that lives alone not far from The Circle K on Grodon Hill, she worried horribly a few months ago, she even thinks she almost had a stroke at night, due to a cat setting off her car alarm. We have been making sure she stays calm, visiting her taking her to pick up groceries her don orders, she still drives we just like being with her, and it's been surprisingly easy to keep her calm even though some walk by her house with bandanas on their faces during the day. I use to believe the news, when they said drug addicts were stealing from cars on Gordon Hill in January this year, of 2020 but now I don't know what to think because if that was true, common sense tells us there would have been more cars broken into with this virus, because there are even more young people out of work and out of school. My nephew, her son, says the pills the doctors prescribed in February, has been helping her stay more relaxed and less worried. Yet, he says he doesn't believe any cars were broken into them either but they might get broken into now, but not at stores because only one person from each vehicle are allowed inside the stores.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corbin Police seek help in identifying burglary suspects
Obvious meth addicts. Scratch offs are a big part of the meth sub-culture

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Corbin Police seek help in identifying burglary suspects
CORBIN, Ky. (WYMT) - By WYMT News Staff  Posted: Thu 3:36 PM, Mar 05, 2020  Updated: Thu 3:38 PM, Mar 05, 2020    The Corbin Police Department is looking to the public for help identifying a pair of suspects. A man and a woman burglarized a Speedy Mart on the corner of the Corbin Bypass and US 25E last month. Police said the only things they stole were lottery tickets. If you have any information, the Corbin Police Department can be reached via phone call at (606) 528-1122 or text (606) 215-6239. [LINK]

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » The Governor says to watch out for scammers
Supposedly, some of Tennessee or those with drug connections in Tennessee might try posing as a bussiness of southeastern Kentucky, selling gloves mask and other medical type supplies to your door, but they are not local, they might try getting you to sign and give personal informartion phishing for more information, they have your address, most likely they want your debit card number and most scams include one free item most likely a box of gloves or some other medical supplies, and they are most likely not from southeastern Kentucky they are actually of Tennessee

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Anybody been to "Ollie's" yet
I thought K-mart and the old Win-dixie building were going to be turned into homeless shelters and job training sites for those who are currently recovering from drug addictions and any residents of the homeless shelter recovering from drug addictions were going to be given donations from local businesses, and factories in Kentucky and other states, so why isn't it not a homeless shelter for local drug addicts, were they were going to get paid to learn on the job training, training some never learnt because of drug use and that need that training, training they'd get by selling items like food, clothing, or any donated item given to those recovering from drug addictions at the homeless shelter they were going to get better. I am seriously upset that it isn't a homeless shelter selling items donated to those recovering drug addicts, Q1 is any building going to be a homeless shelter for drug addicts? Q2 how do recovering drug addicts apply to work at Ollies Q3 can a parole officer or probation officer help ex-users quickly get hired there, so they can be on the fast track to learning on the job training? Q4 does "Ollie's" drug test

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Gov Andy Beshear says to stay away from TN if you can
Gov. Andy Beshear March 27 5:00 pm Update | Coronavirus | KET

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Gov Andy Beshear says to stay away from TN if you can
According to our Kentucky Governor, he says Tennessee residents have not even been trying to wash their hands, or trying to cover thier mouths when coughing, and basically they haven't been doing much to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus. Have any made trips to Tennessee and have a personal experience you'd like to share.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Why do those in prison arrested for child molestaion & porn still have more Facebook friends then me
It should be illegal for them in prison for child porn and child molestation to still have Facebook friends- it makes me think their old friends are waiting till they get out of prison and they'll start sharing their photos with thier Facebook friends again

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Copy and share this websites link on local YouTube channels
I hope it works.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
They are bot even letting some nursing homes have actual visitors, and encouraging seniors at homes still not to have too many visitors, I know that sounds like coronavirus, but it also sounds like were ever there are pain pills they are monitoring more. Old people at nursing homes did sometimes gave their drug using kids show up and they hid their pain pills under their pillows for them. Or it's just a total coincidence but I TOTALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE WORKING HARD RIGHT NOW, EITHER WAY..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
I can handle how fast traffic has been going lately but before I found it horribly slow. Also lately with I guess barbouville schools had been out with NTI days, Corbin wasn't out of School. Well Corbin police and other law enforcement have been pulling people over alot around Master St, Lil Ceasers and side rides around Master St. I have no clue why but it feels as if it's making things better around town, KY jails are even not letting some have actual visitors, supposedly because of coronavirus, jails have even quarantined some newly arrested saying they had fevers, I have no clue what the government is really doing but it feels like real work. I totally wonder if it it because of drugs like fentanyl coming over around tax refund time? I think the coronavirus is not as deadly as Fentanyl so that could be why Fentanyl was from Asia too, they didn't go threw all this trouble before over Fentanyl. I wonder every time why think they can stop the coronavirus but not Fentanyl and other seriously deadly drugs..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » If a Tornado touches down in Whitley County
I would like it if there will be sirens, especially if at night time..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
Yeah, you’re certainly right, but the best would be if they finished that finally... 😐

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
Well, they are still working on it, but somehow I think that the traffic has found a way to flow a lil better, and that's good..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
It’s not going to take long I think.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Copy and share this websites link on local YouTube channels
Good idea!

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Copy and share this websites link on local YouTube channels
Copy the websites link and share it on YouTube

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Alternative to xportalx Topix forums
Copy the link and share it on local YouTube channels as the new topix. con

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » The Traffic on Master St. as School lets out
That simple road work has been causing such traffic delays, so it's annoying the speed limit was already lowered on Master St. and now the road work makes it even slower, plus after getting threw that road work delay, you will probably be stuck behind a few buses and they make stops at every house.. Does anyone know how to speed up that road work?? with out drugs use??

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Boil water?
I think my bill should have a price deduction on the next bill..

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Best dog groomers
Paw Paw Patch Dog Grooming Salon

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Boil water?

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Boil water?
I haven't seen 10th St. on the boil water list,... and yet I have had severe diarrhea for days now and so has everyone I asked, my kids had to stay home from school today, they both had accidents walking to school.. Does the list need updated??? 2/14/2020- The boil water advisories for City Utility Commission customers in the Woodbine area, including Route 6, Dowis Chapel, Liberty Church Road, and all side roads, to the top of Paint Hill, in Corbin, KY, and for Salt Lick Road in Corbin, KY, has been lifted by the Kentucky Division of Water. 2/13/202- A boil water advisory has been issued for City Utility Commission customers in the Woodbine area, including Route 6, Dowis Chapel, Liberty Church Road, and all side roads, to the top of Paint Hill, in Corbin, KY, until further notice. 2/13/2020-A boil water advisory has been issued for Salt Lick Rd., in Corbin,   KY, until further notice. 2/11/2020- The boil water advisory for Liberty Church Road, Dowis Chapel, Candle Way and the surrounding area, has been lifted by the Kentucky Division of Water. 2/10/2020- There is a boil water advisory for CUC customers on Liberty Church Road, Dowis Chapel, Candle Way, and the immediate surrounding area that lost water usage due to a line repair, until further notice.   2/5/2020- The boil water advisory for the area surrounding Kentucky Fried Chicken in Corbin, KY, including KY Hwy 1223, Sampson Street, Northfield Station Apartments, and Lewis Street, has been lifted by the Kentucky Division of Water.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Best dog groomers
I have no pets, sorry.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Best dog groomers
Looking for the best dog groomer in town.

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Bars in london
Hi The Thinker! Great to see you here! Welcome to Edefeed ☺️

Corbin Topix/Craigslist replacement » Bars in london
Hopefully they will have more luck since the lounges and nightclubs ive seen in corbin all seem to close their doors a month after opening.

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Schools, Religious General Interest Schools (606) 528-5077 914 Barbourville St Corbin 40701 Saint Camillus Academy is a Catholic school that provides education with high academic standards for students that includes Montessori education. The school also offers classes in kindergarten through grade eight. Its academic curriculum includes classes in computer applications, music and physical education. Located in Corbin, Ky., Saint Camillus Academy is a part of the Diocese of Lexington., Catholic
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Justice Courts, City Halls, City, Village & Township Government, Government Offices (606) 523-1085 805 S Main St Ste 10 Corbin 40701
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